PILK Design Collective
In 1962 a beautiful young artist named Jean Pilk had a chance encounter with a handsome Army officer. Their life together was filled with art, antiques, books, music, travel, adventure - and five children. The family traveled the globe, living in places distant and domestic. Each child developed a unique and passionate connection to creativity - the visionary, the theoretician, the writer, the designer, and the builder.
Jean, a portrait painter first and foremost, worked as a successful commercial artist and an art teacher. When she died in 2021, she left behind scores of boxes filled with illustrations, sketches, slides, clippings, photographs, and correspondence with no mention of names, dates, or places.
PILK Design Collective is now ready to share some of the extraordinary artwork, both original and collected, reborn in the form of prints and stationery. New collections and products will be launched quarterly with new work by Jean Pilk and other artists in the Pilk family archives. Stay tuned!